Monday 12 September 2016

Preliminary task

On Thursday last week we completed our Preliminary exercise:
A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.

Technically, what is the 180 degree rule in the context of this task?
The 180 degree rule is when you only film one side of the characters face, imagining that there is a line down the middle, implying that you can not film past that line as it would look incorrect on playback.

What is match-on-action?
Match on action for example is when you film characters walking through a door including two different angle shots but making sure they flow nicely together and still make sense within the clip.

What is shot/ reverse shot?
This is when you flip different shots between two or more different characters.

How did it go?
The filming of our preliminary task went really well, we all worked well as a team to complete it and the characters we asked to act for us were really helpful and tried their best to complete the task in the right manner. There were a few mess ups, such as us being asked to leave a science lab which we were originally going to film in, therefore we had to quickly decide which room to use to film the preliminary. We would then film it quickly as we didn't want to run out of time. This could have caused us to rush our work but it went well and nothing went dramatically wrong. There were 3 characters, all male who were our actors and other than a few laughs in between filming, they did complete it well.

What would you change/ do better if you had the chance to do the task again?
If I were to do it again, I maybe would have changed the location to a more suitable environment to link it with the plot better. Another thing I would have changed would be maybe when we were doing the more serious scenes, the characters could have acted more serious as well. Other than that, it all went really well for our first filming task.

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