Friday 11 November 2016

Practise 2 minute film opening

Plot ideas?

Our given elements of Mise-en-scene were:
  • A fancy dress costume - Costume
  • An elderly couple - Characters
  • A seaside pier - Venue/ Location
  • Pitch darkness - Lighting
  • An apple - Prop

When we were given these elements of Mise-en-scene, me and my group were coming up with a variety of different, creative ideas. We had a disaster! We went to film our two minute opening at the beach on the pier not realising that our video recorder wasn't fully charged. It was a complete disappointment as we had planned it perfectly and organised it well. We didn't think to use our phones either which would have probably made the most sense. Our next step now is to rethink what to film and make it easier for ourselves as it is difficult to travel. We thought, as we had to involve fancy dress costume and it was Halloween coming up, it would make sense to add Halloween costume to our Mis-en-scene task,  so we have completely rethought our plot. We came up with the idea to film a teenage girl walking through the city with her headphones in trying to block out Halloween as she hates it, but then everything becomes really scary with people wearing masks all looking at her as if she is strange by not liking Halloween. We also tried to end the 2 minute film opening on a cliff hanger to engage the audience into wanting to watch it more. As it was one of the first 2 minute film opening tasks we were given, I was pleased that our group worked well together to come up with a successful short video. It wasn't the best, due to filming techniques but it was in the idea that the plot was interesting etc.

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