Friday 11 November 2016

Practise 2 minute film opening

Character ideas?

Originally we were going to use two young children (most likely some younger relatives) and two elderly adults (most likely to be elderly relatives) to show the idea of the elderly people looking back on their child hood and showing that they miss it. But due to our disaster of the camera losing battery (which we have learnt from), we had to change our actors. The only character who ended up playing a role in our practise 2 minute film opening was me. I played the character of the teenage girl who hated Halloween.
The reason I offered to play the character and to act in my own 2 minute opening of a movie as well as produce it was because we had a disaster with finding the right character in a short amount of time. As we had a mistake with the first production, we were pushed up against time therefore almost had to rush our second try. But I feel we did the best we could and are proud with our outcome.

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