Friday 25 November 2016


What are the conventions of music in film openings in the following genres? 
In opening scenes of films, there is usually sound. Non-diegetic and diegetic sound. Non-diegetic sound is the most popular because it helps set the scene for the audience and conveys the type of genre the film is and what to expect within the film. For example, slow and tense music will used in a horror. However, some opening films use diegetic music to help set the scene were the actors can hear the music too. This is usually used in film genres such as comedy where the actor might be dancing too a funny type of music to help the audience establish the type of genre they are watching.

Image result for cheaper by the dozenCOMEDY: The sound that portrays a comedy film would be bouncy and jolly, in order for the audience to understand hat genre it is. For example in 'Cheaper by the Dozen's' opening scene where all of the actors are in the kitchen, cheery and happy, listening to the radio playing. That would be the use of diegetic sound as the actors can hear the music as well as the audience.

Image result for women in blackHORROR: The sound that would play in an opening scene of a horror film would be something slow, tense and gloomy as it would help develop an understanding for the audience to see which genre the film is. An example would be 'The women in black' Where the three young girls are playing with their dolls and then see a figue or know that someone or something is telling them to die insinuating on the music where it is dark and spooky and sounds dramatic.

Image result for skyfallACTION:  The sound that you would hear in the opening scene of an action film would be something exciting and possibly dangerous and loud. This would help portray that something exciting may happen, leading the audience to understand what genre it is and causing them to want to carry on watching it. For example, the film 'Skyfall' where James Bond is being chased has dramatic music (Non-diegetic).

Image result for frozenDRAMA:  The sound that you would hear in the opening scene of a drama movie would be something dramatic and bouncy and exiting. However the music could be sad and dull or depressing as this drama can go both ways. Either happy or sad. Usually it would be non-diegetic as the actors or characters would be able to hear it. However, for example in 'Frozen' it would be diegetic as the characters are singing, therefore they can hear the music as well as the viewers. The music in the opening scene of 'Frozen' sounds angry and strong, as of the characters are motivating each other in getting their work done. This can insinuate on the movie being dramatic as you would want to find out why the characters are cutting ice.

Image result for The Notebook
ROMANCE: The sound you would usually hear in a romance film would be something soft and gentle, sweet and light. Nothing too overpowering or heavy as the producers would want to portray something lovable is about to occur. The music playing could potentially be done by musical instruments like the piano or violin as they are known to be quite romantic.The perfect example of this is from the opening scene of 'The Notebook'. Ryan Gosling who plays Noah in the film 'The Notebook' is sitting in a row boat on a lake whilst the sun is setting and the only music you can hear is the piano playing. It is a great way to insinuate on how the movie is going to be a romance genre as the piano is soft and not too distracting. Moreover, it does happen to sound overly romantic.

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